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Reviving Your Wicker Lamps: Must-Follow Maintenance and Cleaning Tips for Longevity and Beauty

Wicker lamps are a great way to add texture and warmth to any space. However, like any other piece of furniture, it is important to properly maintain and clean them to ensure they look their best and have a longer lifespan.

In this article, we will cover different types of wicker lamps, tools for cleaning, methods for maintaining, DIY tips, mistakes to avoid, and more.

how to clean wicker lamps

How the Type of Wicker Affects Maintenance and Cleaning?

Wicker lamps come in many different types, each with their unique features and maintenance requirements. Understanding the different types of wicker used for lamps is essential as it determines the right cleaning and maintenance technique.

In this section, we will cover the different types of wicker used for lamps, and how it affects maintenance and cleaning.

Bamboo wicker

Bamboo wicker is one of the most commonly used materials for wicker lamps. It is lightweight and sturdy, making it an excellent choice for lamps with intricate designs. Bamboo wicker lamp also requires minimal maintenance as it is relatively easy to clean. Dusting frequently with a soft cloth or brush and polishing with furniture polish is all it takes to keep the bamboo wicker in great condition.

Rattan wicker

Another type of wicker used for lamps is rattan. Rattan wicker is more flexible than bamboo wicker and requires a bit more care. It tends to trap dirt and dust easily and is harder to clean. Wiping with a soft cloth or brush to remove dust and dirt is recommended. For deeper cleaning, mix a small amount of dish soap with warm water and use a soft cloth to wipe the rattan. After cleaning, allow the rattan to dry away from direct sunlight.

Woven cane wicker

Woven cane wicker is a delicate material commonly used to create intricate lamp designs. It is susceptible to scratches and requires gentle cleaning and maintenance. Using a soft-bristled brush or a soft cloth to wipe away dust and dirt is recommended. Avoid using water on woven cane wicker as it can cause warping, cracking, and even mold growth. Instead, use a dry cloth or vacuum cleaner to remove any dirt or dust.

The maintenance requirements of each type of wicker lamp also depend on where they are located in the home. Lamps placed in high-traffic areas will require more frequent dusting and cleaning than lamps placed in less frequented areas.

Above are the cleaning tips for the most frequently used wicker lamp materials in homes. Then comes general wicker lamp maintenance and cleaning:

Needed Tools and Methods for Wicker Lamp Cleaning

When it comes to maintaining and cleaning wicker lamps, using the right tools is essential to prevent damage to the delicate material. In this section, we will cover different tools for cleaning wicker lamps, including a soft-bristled brush, a soft cloth or microfiber towel, furniture polish, and a vacuum cleaner.

Soft-Bristled Brush

A soft-bristled brush is an essential tool for removing surface dust and dirt from wicker lamps. Choose a brush with soft bristles to prevent any scratches or damages to the wicker material. Gently brush the surface of the lamp to remove any accumulated dust and dirt. This tool is also helpful for cleaning hard-to-reach areas of the lamp.

Soft Cloth or Microfiber Towel

When it comes to cleaning wicker lamps, a soft cloth or microfiber towel is a great option to wipe the wicker without causing any scratches or damage. Choose a cloth that is soft and gentle to prevent any damage to the material. After cleaning your lamp, use a dry cloth to remove excess moisture and prevent water damage or mildew build-up.

Furniture Polish

Furniture polish is an important tool for cleaning and maintaining wicker lamps. It helps to protect and maintain the natural shine and beauty of the wicker. Choose a furniture polish that is formulated for use on wicker. Apply the polish according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and use a soft cloth to buff the wicker to a shine.

Vacuum Cleaner

A vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment is an excellent tool for cleaning your wicker lamps. Use the brush attachment to gently clean the lamp and remove any dust or dirt that has built up. The vacuum cleaner is also great for hard-to-reach places that are difficult to clean with a soft cloth or brush.

Methods for Maintaining a Wicker Lamp

Wicker lamps are an attractive and functional addition to any home decor, but they require proper maintenance to keep them looking their best. In this section, we will discuss methods for maintaining wicker lamps, including dusting frequently, avoiding direct sunlight, keeping the wicker dry, and applying a protective coating.

Dusting Frequently

Dusting your wicker lamp regularly is essential to keep it looking clean and new. Use a soft-bristled brush or a soft cloth to remove the dust and dirt that accumulates on the surface of the lamp. Dusting is especially important for lamps located in high-traffic areas.

Avoiding Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight can cause wicker lamps to fade and crack, so it’s essential to place them away from windows or other areas exposed to direct sunlight. This can help preserve the natural color and beauty of the wicker material. You can also choose to use window shades or curtains to filter the sunlight.

Keeping the Wicker Dry

Wicker lamps are vulnerable to moisture, which can cause warping, cracking, and even mold growth. Keep the wicker dry by avoiding exposure to water or humid conditions. If cleaning the lamp, ensure it dries completely before using it again. Be careful not to overwater any plants placed nearby the lamp, and make sure any spills are wiped up immediately.

Applying a Protective Coating

Applying a protective coating to your wicker lamp can help prevent any accidental damage. Protective coatings help ward off stains, spills, and even scratches. Brush a clear coat of polymer or lacquer to the wicker to ensure the lamp is protected from damage for a longer time.

In conclusion, proper maintenance of wicker lamps is essential to keep them looking great. Dust frequently, avoid direct sunlight, keep the wicker dry, and apply a protective coating to ensure the lamp maintains its beauty and functionality.

With these methods in mind, you can be sure that your wicker lamp stays in excellent condition for years to come, providing a warm and inviting ambiance to your living space.

DIY Tips for Maintaining and Cleaning Wicker Lamps

In this section, we will discuss some DIY tips for cleaning and maintaining wicker lamps, including using natural and eco-friendly cleaning solutions, creating a cleaning schedule, and repainting or refinishing the wicker.

Using Natural and Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions

Using natural and eco-friendly cleaning solutions is an excellent way to clean your wicker lamp while minimizing the impact on the environment. Vinegar mixed with water is a great natural way to clean wicker, while a simple mixture of beeswax and olive oil works great as a natural furniture polish. These natural solutions are gentle on the wicker and perfect for those who prefer an eco-friendly cleaning regimen.

Repainting or Refinishing the Wicker

Repainting or refinishing the wicker is an excellent way to revitalize the look of an old or outdated wicker lamp. A fresh coat of paint or varnish can transform the appearance of the lamp, making it look new again.

Here are some simple tricks on how to repaint wicker lamps:

Step 1. Clean the Wicker: Before painting, ensure the wicker is thoroughly cleaned and dried. Use a dry cloth to remove any dust or dirt that may have accumulated on the surface.

Step 2. Sand the Wicker: To achieve a smooth and even finish when painting the wicker, sand the surface with fine-grit sandpaper. Sand it gently to avoid damaging the wicker’s natural texture, and ensure that any loose fibers are removed.

Step 3. Prime the Wicker: Before priming, screw down your bulbs or protect them with plastic bags. Then apply a coat of primer specifically formulated for use on wicker. Priming helps the paint adhere better, creating a smooth and even finish. Allow the primer to dry completely before painting.

Step 4. Choose the Right Paint: Choose a paint specifically formulated for use on wicker. Oil-based paint creates a more durable finish, while water-based paint is easier to clean up. Always ensure that the paint is completely dry before applying a second coat.

Step 5. Apply Paint with Light Coats: Apply the paint in light coats, ensuring the paint dries between coats. This technique prevents the paint from running or pooling, ensuring an even finish. Apply several coats if necessary, and allow each coat to dry completely before applying the next.

Step 6. Seal with Varnish: Once the paint has dried completely, apply a coat of varnish to seal the paint and protect the wicker. Choose a varnish specifically formulated for use on wicker, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

Mistakes to Avoid

While maintaining and cleaning a wicker lamp is essential for preserving its natural beauty and function, it’s important to be aware of the common mistakes that can damage the delicate material.

In this section, we will discuss mistakes to avoid when cleaning and maintaining wicker lamps, including using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning tools, cleaning the wicker lamp with too much water, and exposing it to excessive heat or moisture.

Using Harsh Chemicals or Abrasive Cleaning Tools

Using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning tools can damage the wicker material. Avoid using chemicals such as bleach, ammonia, or other abrasive cleaning tools such as wire brushes or scouring pads. These tools will scratch or damage the wicker’s natural texture and color. Instead, use soft-bristled brushes, soft cloths, or natural cleaning solutions that are gentle on your wicker lamp.

Cleaning the Wicker Lamp with Too Much Water

Cleaning the wicker lamp with too much water can damage the natural fibers and cause warping or mildew growth. Always use minimal water when cleaning your wicker lamp, and make sure to dry it thoroughly before using. If the wicker gets wet, let it dry naturally, away from direct heat or sunlight.

Exposing the Wicker Lamp to Excessive Heat or Moisture

Excessive heat or moisture can damage the natural fiber of the wicker material. Avoid exposing the wicker lamp to direct sunlight, heat, or high humidity. Keep the lamp away from hot and cold spots, and make sure it remains in a well-ventilated area. If you live in a humid environment, use a dehumidifier to keep the moisture levels in check.


In conclusion, understanding the type of wicker used for a lamp is essential to determine the right cleaning and maintenance technique. Once you know the type of wicker, you can choose the right tools and cleaning solutions to keep your wicker lamp looking great.

Proper maintenance and cleaning go a long way in preserving the beauty and functionality of your wicker lamp, ensuring it continues to be a decorative and functional element in your home.